Kern County Probation is committed to reducing the ongoing criminal behavior (recidivism) of offenders placed on probation. To accomplish this objective, the Probation Department created the Adult Programs Center (APC) to provide rehabilitation services which target specific offender needs in a way demonstrated to improve outcomes compared to traditional probation services alone. In addition, the Department contracts with GEO, Inc. to provide a re-entry program, the Kern County Day Reporting Center (DRC). This program, funded through AB109 realignment, targets similar needs and includes substance abuse treatment, employment readiness, anger management, and classes that address domestic violence, trauma and parenting. Together these programs significantly and positively impact the lives of offenders and their families, as well as increases public safety and decreases criminal justice costs.
Sharing a facility located at 500 Baker Street, APC and DRC are exclusive to adults on one of three types of supervision. Offenders are referred by their probation officer and attend classes, workshops, and one-on-one sessions designed to address negative attitudes, thoughts, beliefs, identity, and rationalizations (criminal thinking), develop self-control, anger control, and problem-solving skills, identify high risk situations and develop new coping and reaction skills to improve outcomes, and identify and reduce connection with negative influences while developing the abilities needed to maintain positive relationships.
These programs are behavior based, meaning the more a participant engages the faster they complete the program. Some complete in 6 to 9 months, while others take well over a year.
Together, the Adult Programs Center and the Day Reporting Center serve over 300 offenders at a time in metro-Bakersfield. Dedicating these resources to rehabilitation, the Probation Department demonstrates a balanced approach between holding offenders accountable and providing them the opportunity and tools to change.
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